Differences between male and female hair loss

Let's talk about the differences between male and female hair loss. Female pattern baldness is also known as androgenetic alopecia. It is one of the most common types of hair loss in women, but not in men, and its severity can vary. Women tend to lose hair differently than men, this is typical of hair loss and especially with age. It is known that most women start losing their hair after menopause.

Male pattern baldness

Usually it has to do with your genes and male hormones. Men often experience baldness, called male pattern baldness, or receding hairline that starts at the front. 

So what is the reason for this pattern?

Much of this has to do with genetics and hormonal factors. Because female hair loss can be caused by conditions such as androgens. This is a group of elevated hormone levels, for example PCOS is known as polycystic ovary syndrome. Symptoms include increased facial hair, irregular periods, and infertility. All of these can cause hair loss.

Male pattern baldness is also related to genetics and family history. It is related to the male hormone androgen, which helps in hair growth.

Could it be hereditary?

It is believed that it could be inherited from both parents. it is not a disease; it is a natural condition caused by a combination of genetics. It is also related to hormones and age. It is known that women and men will notice hair loss and thinning as they age.

What does the pattern of hair loss look like?

It is different for both men and women, so what are the differences? It would all depend on the patient's history and whether the top of the head is experiencing gradual hair loss or shedding. It also has a lot to do with the patients family history and wherever they have had the same problem with hair loss. A full examination would be necessary for both men and women.


If you have female or male pattern baldness, you can first mask the hair loss by adopting a new hair style. Early diagnosis is recommended because it can allow you to choose a treatment plan and potentially reduce future hair loss. Your treatment plan will likely consist of one or more medications approved to treat hair loss. Who are they?.


Finasteride is an oral tablet that is taken by mouth. It is intended to treat male pattern hair loss and is not intended for women. This oral tablet has side effects such as swelling of the hands and feet, dizziness, weakness, and impotence. You will need a private prescription as it is not available on the NHS.


Minoxidil is available over the counter and is used to treat male pattern baldness as well as female pattern baldness. It also has its fair share of symptoms. For example, more facial hair, weight gain, irritation, mild head and chest pain.

Be aware that using this medication will not work for everyone, and for those that do, it will only work as long as you take it. Once the problem is stopped it will come back, it can also be expensive as it is not available on the NHS.

Are there any other options?

Do you think low iron can contribute to hair loss? If so, a blood test may be needed to diagnose any problems with your iron levels. However, be clear that there is no evidence that iron will make your hair grow. You could look at other options, such as a diet rich in biotin and folic acid, which are known to thicken hair. You can find that in one of our previous blogs: Let's talk about different types of biotin diets

get in touch

We know you've probably tried all of these options. At Rubenhair Clinic, we understand the frustration and want to assure you that we are here to help. If you're noticing a receding hairline or a thinning crown, we know what you're going through. We know the insecurity you might feel and the general suffering and anguish. After all, it can be traumatic for many men and women because so much of who you are is tied to your identity, your appearance, and the way you present yourself. Your hair is a big part of it. It may be something out of your control. At Rubenhair, we want you to feel free and help you on your hair journey!

Improve your quality of life and apply for a consultation with the hair transplant clinic Rubenhair Latvia specialists, who will provide comprehensive answers to your questions and determine the best course of treatment. Fill out the electronic form or call tel. +371 267 777 76 and we will contact you. www.rubenhair.eu
