Spring hair loss: 5 tips to limit it

Spring hair loss is a natural phenomenon!

Why do so many of us experience more intense and profuse hair loss than usual in the spring? This is a natural, biological phenomenon that should not cause too much concern.

This physiological change is called “seasonal shedding” and causes more hair loss. It is good to know right away that the hair that is falling out is the hair in the telogen phase (ie at the end of its life cycle). Also, at the same time as this seasonal shedding occurs, the hair follicle is already growing new hair that will soon be visible on the scalp.

Spring hair loss: duration and effective remedies

When faced with such an annoying phenomenon as seasonal hair loss, one of the first answers we look for is how long it will last. On average, this hair loss lasts for a couple of weeks and goes away on its own over time.

However, if it occurs intensely, taking a few simple steps can make a difference. That's why our team of experts has put together six valuable tips on how to quickly combat hair loss in spring and get your thick hair back.

  • Balanced nutrition against hair loss in spring
  • A good haircut for visibly healthy hair
  • Nourishing shampoo against seasonal hair loss
  • Hair-saving, scalp massage
  • Less heat, more health for your hair

1. Balanced diet against hair loss in spring

Eating a balanced and nutrient-dense diet is the first step to helping your hair regenerate during this phase of hair loss. During the seasonal changes, even more than during the rest of the year, it is important to ensure proper hair nutrition. Vitamins and trace elements make hair strong, durable and visibly healthy.

In particular, B vitamins are essential for stimulating healthy hair growth and improving its structure. Instead, vitamin A and C have a powerful antioxidant and blood flow stimulating effect, thus keeping the scalp nourished and moisturized. 

2. A good haircut for visibly healthy hair

It is now well known that cutting hair does not directly promote regrowth. However, a regulating cut prevents brittle and damaged ends, leaving hair visibly healthier and tidier. This is compounded by the fact that dry ends tend to weaken the hair fiber, thus causing hair breakage. 

3. Nourishing shampoo against seasonal hair loss

When choosing products for our hair, it is important to keep two factors in mind: hair type and season. Our hair needs also vary depending on the season. For example, in winter, hair tends to be drier due to the cold environment. Instead, it's a good habit to introduce an anti-hair loss shampoo into your beauty routine in the spring (as well as in the fall). A special combination of stimulating shampoo and nourishing conditioner is a winning weapon against spring hair loss.

4. Head massage

Scalp massage is an ideal way to stimulate microcirculation, thus providing more oxygen and nutrients to the hair follicles. In this way, both hair growth and blood circulation are stimulated. It is vital in those areas where the hair begins to show the first signs of weakness: good blood circulation slows down the shedding process.

In addition, head massage is an excellent way to promote the penetration of active substances used before and/or after the massage itself. During the shower, a 3-minute massage is enough, gently pushing your fingers through the hair and maintaining a slight pressure, with circular movements on the sides and top of the head.

You will soon discover that scalp massage will have a positive effect on your overall well-being, easing contractures and providing immediate relaxation to the mind as well.

5. Less heat, more health for your hair

One last tip to take care of your hair and combat spring shedding is to pay attention to how you use your blow dryer, straightener and curling iron. Firstly, it would be better to take advantage of rising temperatures and sunny days to let your hair dry and style naturally. Another good habit is to gently remove as much water as possible with a towel by wiping rather than rubbing.

Finally, if you really can't give up the comfort of these styling tools, it's a good idea to apply a protective oil before exposing your hair to heat sources and keeping proper distance. In this way, the risk of damaging the hair fiber, which is already under a high level of stress this season, is reduced.

These handy tips will help you deal with losing your season effortlessly. However, if the hair loss continues even in the following months or the amount of hair lost is really excessive, the best advice is always to consult a specialist.

Improve your quality of life and apply for a consultation with the hair transplant clinic Rubenhair Latvia specialists, who will provide comprehensive answers to your questions and determine the best course of treatment. Fill out the electronic form or call tel. +371 267 777 76 and we will contact you. www.rubenhair.eu
